European Agenda for Adult Learning (2014-2015)


The European Agenda for Adult Learning (or EAAL) does not just cover EU countries but includes Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Turkey. The rationale for the EAAL is the positive impact skills has on all levels of society across Europe. In 2012, NIACE – one of the two founding organisations of Learning and Work Institute – was appointed UK National Coordinator to work alongside 31 other countries to have a strategic impact on adult learning policy development in Europe and across the UK.

As part of this work, during 2014–15 we ran a number of projects that you will be able to read about in this report:

  • Following up the PIAAC research across the UK
  • Basic skills and social inclusion (the Citizens’ Curriculum)
  • Employability skills for young adults (What Employers Want)
  • Supporting progression for excluded groups
  • Digital learning in communities (policy development)
  • Self-organised groups using digital learning