Friday 8 November | 12 noon – 1pm | A Lifelong Learning Week event
Essential skills – including literacy, numeracy and digital skills – are key to supporting adults’ opportunities throughout life. These are skills as fundamental as understanding the dosage instructions on an aspirin packet, estimating the cost of a weekly shop, or filling out forms to access welfare support. The proportion of older people with low essential skills is thought to be higher than among other age groups. However, much of the evidence focuses on the prevalence and impact of low essential skills among younger people and people in the workplace.
In partnership with Age UK, this webinar aims to raise awareness of poor essential skills among older people (aged 50+) and the impact this has on their lives. It was broadcast live during Lifelong Learning Week, an annual week of campaigning activity in England, focusing this year on ‘The case for learning’.
Learning and Work Institute shares insights from new research commissioned by Age UK exploring older people’s experiences of essential skills. We also consider recommendations for policy and practice on how more older people can be supported to develop their skills.