9:30 - 13:30
The conference marks one year since the launch of the Better Work Network by Learning and Work Institute and Trust for London. Since our launch, we have begun an innovative programme of research and development focused on ways to tackle in-work poverty, and we now have over 170 members from a range of backgrounds, including central and local government, employment and skills providers, charities, think-tanks and business.
Discussions will focus on innovative approaches to supporting in-work progression and the role of employer practice in tackling low pay and poor-quality work. The conference will also launch new resources developed for the Network and L&W’s Step Up report: the three year evaluation of Trust for London and Walcot Foundation’s pilot of in-work progression support for low paid workers. Attendees are also invited to the networking lunch, providing the opportunity to engage with key stakeholders.
We look forward to welcoming a range of policy makers, employment and skills providers, support services, civil society groups and other interested parties to the conference.
The conference will also provide an opportunity for you to:
If you have any questions, please contact the Better Work team