Citizen’s Curriculum highlighted in Ireland’s 10 year Adult Literacy for Life Strategy


09 09 2021

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Following our input into Ireland’s ten year Adult Literacy for Life Strategy, we’re pleased to see the inclusion of Learning and Work Institution’s recommendation for a Citizens’ Curriculum. Developed through thirteen pilot projects, this innovative approach taps into people’s motivations to learn by giving them a voice in co-designing the curriculum content, ensuring that people are learning skills which are relevant to their lives and work. Having called for local and national commissioners of learning provision to  build the Citizen’s Curriculum into their plans, we’re encouraged and looking forward to the strategy’s implementation to deliver the wider benefits of learning through community working.


In England, nine million adults have low literacy or numeracy skills, while the number of adults taking classes to improve their skills has fallen significantly in recent years. Without basic skills, many jobs, public services and digital communication are harder to reach. We’ve called for a ten-year lifelong learning strategy for England to create continuous opportunities for people at all levels throughout their lives, from basic skills to higher education.  


Read more about our work on essential and life skills here.