Labour market analysis, January 2025

Responding to the labour market stats release by ONS on 21 January 2025.


21 01 2025


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Stephen Evans, Chief Executive of Learning and Work Institute, said:
A further worrying rise means there are now 1.25 million young people not in work or full-time education, up 29% since the pandemic. The data are uncertain, but rises seem highest among young men. Being not in education, employment or training (NEET) when young has a scarring effect on long-term career prospects. The Government therefore needs to redouble efforts to introduce a Youth Guarantee so every young person gets the education and career support they need.
Dr Helen Gray, Chief Economist of Learning and Work Institute, said:
This month's labour market figures show that there has been little change in employment levels, a modest reduction in the number of people who are economically inactive and an increase in the unemployment rate compared with the previous quarter. There continue to be 1.9 million people who are economically inactive but would like a job in addition to the 1.5 million people who are unemployed on the official measure. Expanding employment support to people who are economically inactive is essential if the government is to meet its ambition of an 80% employment rate.

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