Response to Budget on 3 March 2021


03 03 2021


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Stephen Evans, chief executive of Learning and Work Institute said:
The lower forecast for unemployment shows the success of the furlough scheme, but still means almost a million more people out of work than a year ago. We need to focus on encouraging employers to take people on, and helping people find work and build skills. Young people have been particularly hard hit, which is why we need a Youth Guarantee and an extension to Kickstart, currently due to end in December 2021. Today’s announcements, like more traineeships, and the wider Plan for Jobs are welcome. The extension to furlough will protect jobs and employment support will help people find work. But to build the economy of the future, we’ll need more ambitious investment in skills and retraining with one million fewer adults in learning than ten years ago. And after years of freezes, the £20 uplift to Universal Credit should be made permanent.

More on our analysis of the labour market