2pm – 4.30pm
Levels of youth unemployment, alongside disrupted education and social restrictions is creating a generation of young people whose transitions into the labour market are insecure and disjointed.
Whilst the pandemic is affecting all young people in some way – the most disadvantaged are being disproportionately affected. The pandemic has reinforced existing inequalities, resulting in many young people being pushed further away from apprenticeships and wider labour market opportunities. This is where effective pre-apprenticeship programmes can make a huge difference. High quality and targeted programmes, delivered in creative and engaging ways, can enable young people to develop the core skills and experience that enable them to break cycles of unemployment and precarious employment, and establish sustainable careers for the future.
Hosted in partnership with JP Morgan, at this event we will bring together a range of pre-apprenticeship providers, from the UK, Europe and other parts of the world, to explore how pre-apprenticeship programmes can contribute to the Covid-recovery phase. Contributors and delegates will share best practice, discuss different approaches and ideas, and learn from how providers deliver inclusive and high quality programmes in different countries and contexts.
Digisheds (UK) will talk about how their pre-apprenticeship programme prepares disadvantaged young people for digital skills jobs, and the role of employers in the programme.
Fundação Iochpe (Brazil) will talk about their work with employers on their Formare pre-apprenticeship programme, and how their approach involves immersing young people into a workplace to gain work experience and overcome barriers to employment.
JOBLINGE (Germany) will talk about the importance of mentoring and wider support for young people offered through their pre-apprenticeship programme.
Pinardi (Spain) will talk about the different types of support they provide on their pre-apprenticeship to help to develop the confidence and motivation of young people.