Adult Participation in Learning Survey 2023: Regional reports


29 08 2024


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Since 1996, Learning and Work Institute has been undertaking the Adult Participation in Learning Survey on an almost annual basis. The survey provides a unique overview of the level of participation in learning by adults, with a detailed breakdown of who participates and who does not.

The 2023 survey indicated that differences between geographical regions may be widening. With greater devolution of learning and skills policy and funding, it is important to better understand patterns of participation at a national and regional level. This can help inform where interventions and support are best targeted and may make the greatest impact.

Using data from the 2023 survey, we’ve now taken a closer look at geographical differences in levels of adult participation in learning. We have produced a report for Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and all nine England regions.

Find out more about the Adult Participation in Learning Survey

Discover how our Adult Participation in Learning has provided unique insights into adult learning for 27 years.