Best practice in designing and delivering pre-apprenticeship programmes


30 06 2022

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Learning and Work Institute is working with the support of J.P. Morgan to explore and promote best practice in the delivery of pre-apprenticeship programmes in Europe and other parts of the world.

We’re focussing on identifying and promoting programmes that enable young people from all backgrounds to gain the skills and experience they need, to successfully bridge the gap to an apprenticeship. Alongside identifying what works, we’re particularly interested in programmes that have developed good practice in four key areas: Development of digital skills; Blended learning approaches; ‘Learn to learn’ attitudes and skills; Development of soft/transversal skills.

Explore our three types of resources for current and prospective pre-apprenticeship providers

Webinar series: Effective practice in pre-apprenticeship programmes

During the Autumn of 2021, Learning and Work Institute hosted a series of webinars to support the dissemination and exchange of knowledge on effective practice in pre-apprenticeship programmes. You can watch recordings of the events here.