Disability Employment: from pandemic to recovery


27 05 2021


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The pandemic has had an unequal impact. As well as facing more severe health consequences, disabled people have also been disproportionately affected by the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Our research with The Black Stork Charity looks at the impact of the pandemic on the employment, pay and finances of disabled people.

The report finds that whilst prior to the pandemic employment opportunities for disabled people had been improving, during the pandemic the employment, pay and finances of disabled people have been more negatively affected than many other groups.

Previous employment support programmes have worked less well for disabled people. Disabled people on the Work Programme, introduced after the last recession, were less likely to be satisfied with the support they received, less likely to find work, and less likely to stay in work.

To improve employment opportunities for disabled people, the government must:

  • Expand Kickstart to disabled people over the age of 25 who are long-term unemployed
  • Make sure its new Restart programme delivers better outcomes for disabled people.
  • Ensure high quality support through Jobcentre Plus, including from new Disability Employment Advisors announced recently by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Disability Employment: from pandemic to recovery

Download the report