Learning and Work Institute and IFF Research were commissioned by the Department for Education to better understand employers’ capacity and likelihood to offer T level industry placements. The research also aimed to establish any challenges and barriers that employers may face in offering placements and any additional support that they may require.
A qualitative approach was used for a detailed exploration of the key research questions and the views and experiences of a wide variety of employers across different business sizes and sectors. it involved 120 interviews with employers, and the sample was structured to ensure coverage of all relevant T level routes and pathways.
The T level programme covers 11 technical routes with 27 occupational pathways sitting within these. T levels will generally be studied over 2 years, and will include a new technical qualification, combined with a substantial industry placement of 45-60 days. Industry placements will enable young people to put into practice and further develop the knowledge, practical skills and behaviours that they have learnt in the classroom.