Helpful approaches to the delivery of English and maths provision for unemployed adults


This review was primarily aimed at skills providers and referral agencies but will also prove useful for funders and policy makers. It was produced by NIACE, one of the two organisations which formed Learning and Work Institute.

It describes how providers evolved their provision to better meet the needs of unemployed adults through the development of more intensive and personalised provision that is contextualised to help learners acquire labour market relevant skills.

It also looks at how provision is sometimes developed through the direct involvement of employers and is generally delivered flexibly to fit the availability of individuals when unemployed and to be accessible to them when they find work.

Positive impacts are considered, including:

  • the increased use of e-based approaches;
  • the value of functional skills;
  • increased flexibility and freedoms at Jobcentre Plus; and
  • the streamlined referral process at  Jobcentre Plus.