Youth Opportunity Index: how we produced it


28 06 2018

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Learning and Work Institute took the initiative to establish a Youth Commission to look at education and employment opportunities for 16-24 year olds in England.  We have been specifically interested in transitions between education and employment, including how some young people become NEET (not in education, employment or training).

We will wrap up findings by summer 2020 with the aim of producing specific recommendations for policymakers.

The flagship work has been the production of a Youth Opportunity Index (YOI) for both England and for Wales. This powerful outcome comparison tool has highlighted regional and intra-regional differences in opportunities for young people depending on where they grow up. The YOI is regularly used in the sector as a highly respected measure.

The results were arrived at by combining seven measures of education and employment outcomes for young people in every local education authority (LEA) across the two nations. This enabled us to compare experiences and opportunities for young people locally, regionally and nationally.

Find out more about how we did it:

Discover why our Youth Opportunity Index is a game changer

Our Youth Opportunity Index gives a detailed portrait of the opportunities and challenges for every young person broken down by local education authority. It has revealed the intra-regional differences in England as well as regional ones.
Employment and YP - Channel 4 (2)