Getting back to work: how we can make the Restart scheme work

Thursday 28 January 2021 | 12.00 – 13.00pm 

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the labour market hard, leading to a record spike in redundancies. The claimant count has doubled, and recent Learning and Work Institute research   warned of a surge in long-term unemployment this year. Against this backdrop, the government has laid out its Plan for Jobs, including the Restart scheme, which aims to help the long term unemployed to move back into work.  

This event is organised in partnership with the IEP and will explore how the Restart scheme will work, and how we can ensure it delivers maximum impact. Building on recent Learning and Work Institute research, and analysis of the January labour market statistics, we will set out the scale and nature of the unemployment challenge. We will examine how Restart will work, what we can learn from previous welfare to work programmes, and what we need to do to ensure the scheme is a success.  


  • Karina Stibbards, Deputy Director, Labour Market Strategy, Department for Work and Pensions
  • Scott Parkin, Chief Executive, IEP
  • Sean Williams, Chief Executive, Corndel and Board member, Adecco Working Ventures
  • Naomi Clayton, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Learning and Work Institute (Chair)

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