Better Work Network
The Better Work Network is a policy and practice-based initiative, hosted by Learning and Work Institute and Trust for London, dedicated to supporting progression from low pay and increasing the quality of work.
Hundreds of thousands of Londoners are stuck in low paid work.
Last year, we published research with the Social Mobility Commission and NIESR exploring the role of adult training in supporting progression from low pay.
This event, held as part of our Better Work Network, explored the findings of the research, highlighting what works in supporting low paid workers to progress to better quality and higher paid jobs, and the lessons for providers and policy-makers in the capital.
The Better Work Network is a policy and practice-based initiative, hosted by Learning and Work Institute and Trust for London, dedicated to supporting progression from low pay and increasing the quality of work.
Our work focuses on supporting people in work to progress, whether that be through increasing their earnings or moving to a better quality job.