A Youth Guarantee for England

A Youth Guarantee in England would support young people by entitling them to access employment, education or training.


20 11 2024

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Following the Government’s commitment to introducing a Youth Guarantee in England, something we first called for five years ago, L&W is launching a new project.

The project will demonstrate the need for a Youth Guarantee, understand how it could be successfully implemented, and what is required to make it work.

In addition, Youth Futures Foundation has funded L&W to explore how the benefits system can support a Youth Guarantee. This will include considering how the current system works for young people who claim benefits and are also looking to access employment, education or training, and what changes are needed to overcome some of the challenges they face.

The research will include data analysis and desk research to understand the profile and needs of young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). We will also consult with young people, including benefit claimants, and stakeholders who can offer insight into how a Youth Guarantee might be implemented.

Over the coming months we will be sharing insights from our research including analysis of the latest statistics on young people who are NEET, our evidence on what the government’s Youth Guarantee should include, and what commissioners and providers need to keep in mind as they begin delivering the Youth Guarantee.

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