Responding to the first Parliamentary inquiry report focused on young carers and young adult carers

On Tuesday 14 November 2023, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers, supported by Carers Trust, launched the first ever Parliamentary inquiry report focused on young carers and young adult carers.


14 11 2023


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Nicola Aylward, Head of Learning for Young People at Learning and Work Institute, said:
Learning and Work Institute welcomes this report from the APPG for young carers and young adult carers. Our analysis shows that young adult carers provide over £3.5billion in unpaid care each year – yet for too long their contribution to society and their families has been overlooked. It’s an injustice that these young people are three times more likely to drop out of education and employment compared to other young people. This often results in them becoming trapped in a caring role, locking them out of opportunities to build a life of their own and pursue their own futures. We have long advocated for changes to the 21 hour rule in the benefits system, which would mean that young adult carers are no longer forced to choose between claiming Carer’s Allowance, or studying. This would be one step to ensuring that these young people get access to the opportunities they deserve.

Read the report