Family learning

Family learning can help to develop positive attitudes to learning, greater confidence and employability, improved health and wellbeing and improvements to young people’s development and attainment, helping to break the link between opportunity and background.

Our work has taken forward the recommendations of our Family Learning Inquiry to make the case for family learning and is supported by the National Family Learning  Forum , and the Family Learning Local Authority Group (FLLAG).


Family learning in prisons

Our research which resulted in Family Learning Works demonstrated the importance of the learning family in encouraging both adults’ and children’s learning. This is especially important in the context of offender families, where families play a crucial role in reducing re-offending.

Family learning is shown to help break inter-generational cycles of disadvantage, by maintaining communication and parental involvement in children’s progression.

However, evaluation of family learning in prisons is often limited by  financial or other constraints, so there is a strong rationale for tutor led programme evaluation.

We have produced Family Learning in Prisons resources to ensure that internal evaluations provide sound, quantifiable evidence of impact.