Driving Change: Project and Evaluation Report


Young adult carers are three times more likely to be not in education, employment or training (NEET). From September 2019 to August 2022, the Driving Change project worked to improve the support that young adult carers receive in further education so that they can get the most out of learning and reach their full potential.

Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and partnering with Carers Federation, L&W worked with FE colleges across the UK to review and improve the support they offer to young adult carers, using the Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support framework.

As part of the delivery plan for the third and final year of Driving Change in FE, L&W partnered with Pathways to develop a pilot exploring the transferability, and testing the implementation, of the Driving Change model in higher education with three Leicestershire universities.

Find out more about Driving Change